Thursday, February 4, 2010

Introduction to the Novel

Into the Wild seems like a very interesting and intense book. It is very hard to believe that a man lived in the wilderness for 112 days. This book will be about a man who trades in this normal life to go live in the wilderness. He decides to leave everything behind to go on an adventure. It will probably tell us about his journey, struggles, and peaks of the experience. Living in the wilderness has many obstacles and it must have been really hard for him. I wonder if he ever regretted his decision? Later in the story people find him dead. The autopsy was trying to figure out what had happened. They had many predictions, but were uncertain. Many of the conditions, in living in the wild are unsafe and you really have to take responsibility on staying alive. This story can teach us a real lesson about life and how much we should appreciate what adventures we experience.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding blog project so far! Your blogs are thorough and interesting. The layout is appealing too. Don't forget to add URL to bottom of each page if you get info from a source or images from a source.
    First blog check grade is 100%.
