Thursday, February 4, 2010

Introduction to the Novel

Into the Wild seems like a very interesting and intense book. It is very hard to believe that a man lived in the wilderness for 112 days. This book will be about a man who trades in this normal life to go live in the wilderness. He decides to leave everything behind to go on an adventure. It will probably tell us about his journey, struggles, and peaks of the experience. Living in the wilderness has many obstacles and it must have been really hard for him. I wonder if he ever regretted his decision? Later in the story people find him dead. The autopsy was trying to figure out what had happened. They had many predictions, but were uncertain. Many of the conditions, in living in the wild are unsafe and you really have to take responsibility on staying alive. This story can teach us a real lesson about life and how much we should appreciate what adventures we experience.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild was written by Jon Krakauer. Jon Krakauer was born in 1954, and lived in Oregon. He went on trips with fellow writers in the mountains. While he was up in the mountains he had time to write. All of this books were very successful. Jon won many awards for his work. Some of the awards he won were Best Book of the Year, #1 New York Bestseller, and 1997 National Book Critics Circle Award. Jon's books are about life stories and amazing experiences.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I would like to go to Arizona. I have never been there before and have heard many good things about it. My dad and aunt used to go there when they were little and they said the Grand Canyon was beautiful. There are definitely many things to see and experience in Arizona. Even though it is very hot, it would still be fun. I love new experiences and seeing new places. Many of my friends have been there and loved it. It would be amazing to see the Grand Canyon in person. I would love to see the horizon, deserts, cactuses, and all the animals. I would have to bring some things also. The things I would bring would be some summer clothes, sun tan lotion, sunglasses, and a hat. When I get there is expect everything to be the same as I thought it would be. All my hope and excitement will be the same. I would like to explore all the little and big events and geographical things in Arizona. I love to travel, and hope to travel to Arizona soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting to Know Chris McCandless

Direct Characterization is when the author is talking directly about the specific character. Also, this means what the character looks like and acts like. Indirect Characterization is when the author tells the audience what the character feels, says, thinks, and does.

10 Direct Characterization Examples-
- "He didn't appear to be very old: eighteen, maybe nineteen at most". Page 3
- "Five feet seven or eight with a wiry build Page 4
- He claimed to be twenty-four years old". Page 4
- He is from South Dakota Page 4
- Looked Friendly
- "McCandless was smallish with a hard, stingy physique of an itinerant laborer". Page 16
- Chris was a hard worker Page 18
- "He was born and raised in a comfortable upper-middle class environs of Annadale, Virginia". Page 19
- " He was big time hungry. Hungry,Hungry,Hungry. But real happy". Page 30
- "Virtually no subcutaneous fat remained on the body, and the muscles had withered significantly in the days or weeks prior to death. At the time of the autopsy, McCandless's remains weighed 67 pounds." Page 14

Indirect Characterization
- "If he started a job, he would finish it, he never stopped in the middle of something". Page 18
- Set a pretty high standard for himself Page 18
- "How much do I owe you". Page 7
- "How I feed myself is none of the government's business. F their stupid rules". Page 6
- "Can this be the same Alex that sent out in July 1990? Malnutrition and the road have taken their toll on his body. Over 25 pounds lost. But his spirits are soaring." Page 37
- "He was a nice kid." Page 30
- "He transferred to Wayne Westerberg from Alexander. October 1990. Listen to Pierre." Page 19
- "I find Mexicans to be warm, friendly people. Much more hospitable than Americans." Page 35
- "He is overjoyed and hope bursts back into his heart." Page 34
- "I think I am going to disappear for a while." Page 21

Based on what I am reading so far, I do not think Chris is crazy. I think that he is just looking for a new experience and journey. Since he grew up with a good education, house, and materials,I think he wants to start a new life for himself. I also think that he is just like any other person. All the people he meet did not treat him bad, they found out that he was a cool and nice guy. Many people just jump to conclusions about who would do such a thing, but I don't. Chris is very intelligent and new everything to do to survive. He used books, people's opinions, and nature, to help him survive.

I was in a group with Lisa ans Ally